Wow! Ten years old. I cannot believe you've hit double digits. Seems like you were just born, like you were just running around as a toddler, like you were just a completely uninhibited, inquisitive little boy. Now, despite your continued, inquisitive nature, you're the older boy egging the little kids on in their entertainingly uninhibited and inquisitive ways. You've become a bit more reserved, a little older, a little more mature, a little bit of growing up.
It makes me sad...and happy. I miss those baby days. Okay, not the diapers or the up-at-night crying, but I miss your baby face and crazy exploits. They have been replaced with this older, handsome kid that is growing, much too quickly, into a young man. Time, slow down.
Seriously though, I'm enjoying this stage. I didn't know that I would. There's something about it. Laid back, maybe... Old enough for a little independence; young enough to be carefree. Not a baby but not a teenager either. Relaxed. We're playing football (and by "we," I mean "you"), swinging on tire swings, fishing at the lake. You're young enough to want to play on the playground but not so young that I have to be right there to catch you when you fall.
You weigh upwards of 95 pounds! Solid, all muscle. Your blonde hair keeps getting a little darker, and those piercing, blue eyes are gonna win over some, sweet girl one day. But all that can wait.
We're still homeschooling, and you're enjoying your co-op classes again this year. Writing, science, PE, among others. Some days are better than others, but I think you're doing a great job! You're in fourth grade this year, and with that, came an increase in my expectations and an increase in your work load. I will say that doesn't always go over well. Ha!
You'd much rather be playing football or researching football or writing notes on your football scorecard chart you made or researching football stuff you want to purchase.'re really into football...more specifically, SEC and UGA. I love it, and you're awesome to watch the game with. I did think I may need to keep the blood pressure cuff nearby during various parts of the games, though.
I guess you're changing, and it's hard on a mom. Your interests change. Your looks change. Your attitudes change. All these things change so fast! As a busy mom, I don't always realize this until I look back. Then, Bam! There it is. I begin to think of all your lasts. The last time you climbed up in my lap to read a story. The last time you climbed up in our bed during a thunderstorm. The last time you wanted to play with action figures or toys of any kind, really. (Legos are still cool, though.) But you, my precious son, are growing up, and it is a pleasure to have a front row seat. You are a spectacular kid, and I am blessed beyond measure to be your mom.
I love you more than words can say.