

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Water Babies

Swimming lessons are over, and I wish we could have a second run this with them this summer.  The kids had a wonderful, and I mean wonderful, time.  The boys are becoming confident swimmers, and I'm looking for a larger pool near here for them to practice.  We have a shallow pool at home for summer fun, but the big three can stand up in it.  Grace can't and has come a long, long way swimming with a floater practice suit and swimmies. 
The last few days, they haven't wanted to swim as much because Daniel can't get in.  He has swimmer's ear and is hurting.  I took him to urgent care Sunday after church.  He fell asleep during church.  Then, he didn't want to eat anything for lunch...not even a donut.  He asked me to eat my lunch with him in the church, and he fell asleep there too.  He was not all. That's when we packed up and went home.  (Thanks to my bro and sis-in-law for bringing our leftover food by the house.) Deron stayed home with the other chillens while we went to the urgent care in Snellville. Poor thing was in tears by the time the doc finished looking in his ear.

We're three days into the medicine, and if today doesn't show more improvement, we're going to our pediatrician.  He slept well last night, so that's good news.  He's woken up every four hours since Saturday night.  I'm not used to all this waking up business.  I started having flashbacks to when I was nursing babies and had to wake up constantly...

Today,we're going to the library for the summer reading program.  A storyteller is coming today, and all the kids love her.  She "dresses" the story.   In February, she came as a snowflake. I can't wait to see what summery thing she's dressed as today! 

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