

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012: Enough is a Feast

I heard this saying on facebook today:

"Enough is a feast."

I thought to myself how true that is.  The Lord has surely given us enough, and that is as good as a feast.  I know He's blessed me ten-fold with more than enough, and I am thankful.

Right now, I'm sitting with my laptop, typing away, and thinking about what I should say I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving day. The fact that I can sit in my warm home with cozy socks, a blanket, and a hot cup of coffee in the quietness of my home early in the morning is reason alone to be thankful.

I'm thankful for my husband and four precious children who make me laugh every day and who bring me to my knees often.  Nothing like parenting to keep you on your knees before your Heavenly Father.

I'm thankful for my parents and the fact that I can just talk to them, share my concerns and happiness openly.  I'm thankful for my in-laws who are some of the most selfless people I've ever met.  I'm thankful for my siblings and my married-in siblings.  They are a joy to be around, and they set an amazing example for me.

I know many people have lost their loved ones, and it makes me want to throw my arms around my sweet family and show them how much I am thankful for them, how much I love them.

I am thankful for my church and church family.  Let me not ever take them for granted.

I'm thankful for this nice, warm home when I know that there are so many people with nothing. No home. No heat.  Dirty clothes, and very little, if anything, to eat.  I am so very thankful for what we have.  More than enough.

I am thankful for being able to be at home with my children and having a husband who supports my desire to do so. Even on the rough days when too much togetherness abounds, I'm thankful.  It's a blessing and a gift of time.

I am blessed beyond measure, and I pray that I am grateful.  He has surely blessed my life with more than enough.

1 comment:

Mam-Ma said...

I am thankful for you!