

Monday, January 27, 2014

New Year Reevaluation

I love to plan, and I love to redo our goals on a regular basis.  What's working?  What's not going well?  How do we need to tweak and change what we're doing to meet our goals?

I question our homeschooling efforts periodically as the children change and respond differently to our curriculum.  How are they learning?  Are we meeting tangible objectives?

So, I have switched up our curriculum a tad and have decided to try out Tapestry of Grace for our literature and history.  We've switched back to Apologia for science.  Both curriculum choices are more in depth, and I'm able to smoothly meet each child on their own level without changing our content.  Keeping consistent content is a goal of mine.  Until they are all learning more independently, I'm able to go through areas of study, collectively, and give assignments based on each child's ability and learning style.

So along with our math and developmental language arts per individual ability levels, we're studying Unit 4 of Year 2 (Age of Revolutions-Time spanning from Colonial times through the Adams Administration) in Tapestry of Grace and Human Anatomy and Physiology from Apologia for science.

Another area I have had a difficult time with has been journal writing.  My girls seem like they will be natural little journalers, but the boys...not so much.  I want them to learn how to think reflectively, so as a family, we'll be creating a Project Life album.  The journaling cards are small and not very intimidating, so I think it'll be a good way to preserve some memories and get the kids involved fairly painlessly.

Those are the changes.  So far, so good.

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