

Monday, January 6, 2014

Reading list

With the kids a little older, I have a little more time to do things since I'm not changing diapers and constantly having to be physically present in order to care for all the needs that come with the littler years.  That being said, their emotional needs have increased ten-fold, and I cannot imagine the needs they will have when they go into their teen and young adult years.

This month--and next probably--maybe even March...we'll see...My book list goes a little something like this:

1. My moms' group is reading Desperate:Hope for the Mom who Needs to Breathe by Sally Clarkson and Sarah Mae.  I'm quickly rereading the first nine chapters since we're reading/discussing chapter ten this month.  I have thoroughly enjoyed discussing this book with friends and encouraging one another in our mothering journey.

2. I'm finishing up The UnWired Mom: Choosing to Live Free in an Internet Addicted World also by Sarah Mae.  I'm doing the challenges and journal activities.  I'm not quite finished but I'm trying to go slowly and to be brutally, painfully honest with myself.  It is certainly eye-opening.

3. In continuing this theme, I'm planning to read Hands Free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone, Burning the To-Do List, and Letting Go of Perfection to Grasp What Really Matters by Rachel Macy Stafford.  As a type-A, recovering perfectionist, I have placed too high of value on the things I do and what I accomplish when what I really need to do is be available for the ones I hold most dear.  I need to remember to put my precious people ahead of all the stuff that seems to call my name and all the things that need doing.

4. and 5. We've made some adjustments to our financial goals for this year, and I'm rereading Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Revisited  and More than Enough to get inspired again.  I'm playing on the investment calculators and praying our house in FL will sell this year.  

6. I'm planning to read Say Goodbye to Survival Mode by Crystal Paine.  It's all about stressing less and being more intentional, I think.  It doesn't come out until the 21st of January.

7. I'm beginning The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Debra Bell.  I just like these types of how-to books.  It's nice to get new ideas and a different perspective on the way we do things in our homeschool.  It seems like the kids' needs are changing and I need ideas for a new way to light a spark under them.

8. For a fictional quick read, I'm reading The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks. I'm a sucker for his stories. 

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