

Saturday, September 6, 2014


What a great time the kids are having in co-op!  Enrichment classes, writing, science, art, geography, PE, ballet, fun, fun, fun! I'm not sure which classes are their favorites, but I'm loving the whole shabang.

There was something special about packing their bags and gathering supplies.  With homeschooling, I think the only one who ever really gets excited about school "starting back" is me, and this year, even I wasn't really excited.  I was overwhelmed and underprepared.  It's hard to prepare with your students surrounding you. All. Day. Long.

Thankfully, things are beginning to improve.  We're getting into a routine, and that is helping.  We're evaluating our schedules and trying to spend more time at home and less time on the go.  The kids are growing up so fast, and before long, they'll start going their own ways as they develop interests and get involved in other activities.  For now, we're maxed out on commitments.  I feel desperate to guard our time because it seems there's always something vying for our attention.

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