

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween and whatnot

Yesterday was Halloween.  The kids petitioned, eagerly, for a holiday.  They petitioned hard but to no avail.

We don't take off school for Halloween.  I did let them dress up in costumes all day.  We ate caramel apples dipped in peanuts and chocolate chips and drank apple cider for a snack.  We did read aloud a little more than normal while they built a Lego castle.  We played outside a little extra.  And our neighbors stopped by to make sure we were coming to their houses for candy.

Later, after the kids bounced around, anxious for us to head out, after we took pictures, after they had to wait "for-e-ver," we took the kids down the road to a few neighbors' houses.  When we got home, we ate pizza and watched a movie while we passed out candy to the very few kids that came by the house.  A good day. Fun times.

Recognize the bag, Mam-ma?!

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